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Facilitated Experiences


Our clients experience substantial “wow” in our experiences. We take participants far beyond the normal to more creative, profound, and provocative levels. We add further value by bringing involving our deep network of speakers, experts, and specialized facilitators.


Good leaders know the power of bringing people together in groups. Yet too often, they try to facilitate these gatherings or use someone from inside the organization less prepared to do so. With internal and less experienced facilitators, participants hold back and cannot unleash their potential. Using trained, experienced outside facilitators overcomes these problems and dramatically improves meeting outcomes. We elevate your gatherings to a higher level.


Sierra Learning Solutions provides a full spectrum of meeting, retreat, and conference design from our own deep library of creative formats and activities in a highly customized experience.

  • Expeditionary Strategy Crafting
    Applying design thinking to strategy crafting brings new tools to a critical organizational need and requires four stages in the design process. These distinct but highly interdependent stages provide a sound foundation for a large variety of possible planning tools and experiences. Often lasting three to twelve months or more, what results is a clear roadmap for implementation and a fully engaged organization.
  • Problem-Based Design
    When a clear, or even hazy, problem is the center of the task at hand, we employ our six-stage innovation approach that includes collaborative design; discovery and assessment; divergent thinking and ideation; convergent planning, selecting; prototyping; and implementation, tracking, and adjusting course.
  • Traditional Strategic Planning
    We customize solutions to meet each client’s needs by drawing on proven approaches from long-range scenario planning, to action planning, to designing competitive advantage.
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